Monday, October 09, 2006

MY FIRST DAY IN NYC! By Sarah Hillman-Stolz

I went downtown to find where my new accomodation was gunna be but got a little confused amongst the flying numbers of avenue and street numbers and found myself floating through the unknown tides of people and places with a soggy jet lagged sensee of self as I soaked up the sights of this city so strangely familiar.

For the first hour of walking down west 25th and Park Av glassy eyes and a Mary Tyler Moore expression woulddominate my disposition (but jet lag and a reputation for clumsiness prevented me from swinging around a street sign or throwning my hat in the air triumphantly - though I was definately close). I got over that soon enough as I realised I was a simple cliche. So I tried hard to, hense forth, not look like a tourist but after my wide eyes and pleasantly surprised little sounds at seeing my first live squirrel I thought I'd relent to the starry eyes 'tourist' sign that was firmly tattooed on my forehead! This is the reminence (spelling please?) of my day:

1. ....

Well! Just found out that all photo's have been erased somehow...but how? Any clues...weird.

Anyhow lets move on to diary entry DAY THREE then shall we:

Should be a sound asleep. Caved ro Jet lag last night. Though a desire to greet the day with bright eyed and bushy tailed exuberance. Slowly.

Past infatuations are the traffic of my mind this morning. Comforting nostalgia of experiences I know and understand as the bite of nusea of antisipation and new challenges tickles my stomach...Maybe its just hunger.

I feel alone but gratefully so after the showbox of a bed room shared with 14 strangers. I think I have found the perfect room. Small but I think of friends of friends who live in New York and think my quaint room is probably not much bigger - minus a kitchenette.

The sun is rising. I should be asleep but gave into Jet Lag..repetitive. With not a dollar to my name and
a dollar forty still owing to my place of residence, I couldn't afford a mid afternoon coffee taht was vital to getting through the day like a normal person. Had a nap @ 5-6 before dinner. Woke up at 8:30 tehn missed dinner. Bummer. Ate an apple. Woke up again at 2:30am after dreaming about random people (hi yolanda!) and now at 6am I sit and watch the sun rise and wet eye lashes and small droplets of slated water make a city that has felt like dream for the past couple of days become real.

Romance, Wilco and Gabrielle Garcia Marquez make for poetic thoughts.

Obnoixous observations are sure to return...


Blogger Halley said...

oooh, squirrels. exotic. ;)

congratulations on finding a place! I can't believe you're only here for a month. oy.

stay longer.

10:56 PM  
Blogger Sarah Hillman-Stolz said...

five weeks all up but trying to swindle some more time...somehow...

What weekend is good for you if I come to see DC?

5:18 PM  
Blogger Sarah Hillman-Stolz said...

five weeks all up but trying to swindle some more time...somehow...

What weekend is good for you if I come to see DC?

5:24 PM  

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