Saturday, October 14, 2006

Mashed banana on a bagel makes for the best breakfast in NYC yet and peace be with you all because praise the lord I have found a decent coffee!

Well fed and with a caffine invigorated brain on this sunny saturday afternoon I thought I'd spend it inside writing on my blog...yawn! I ahve twenty minutes left of internet time here at the East Houston branch of the NYC public library but I htought I'd do a brief review of the week that has been all about SITI company

MONDAY: First up is Suzuki class and an introduction is conducted by Ellen Lauren a woman whose presence is so powerful you are transfixed just by the way she sips her coffee (cuase its all about the coffee here!). The class introoduce ourselves. Its an interesting mix of poeple from all sorts of theatrical and spiriual walks of life. Ellen tells us that after these four weeks we will be changed in some way, without indoctrination but it will from within us somewhere. I look forward to this.
In the viewpoints part of the day, Tom Niels is our teacher. He introduces us to the 9 viewpoints by name and we begin to form a group dynamic, slowly. Tom is great teacher, after seeing Death and the Ploughman in late 2005 at the Melbourne International Arts Festival he is also a great performer and a lovely, friendly, giving fellow - but he weras bike shorts and this makes me feel a little uneasy.
By the end of both classes I feel that every toxin* that I have ever aborbed into my body is not fleeing in the form of blood sweat and phelgm. I deside I am asmatic despite the fact I have never suffered from this before.

TUESDAY: Not as sore as I thought I would. Stomping for 3 mins isn't as retardedly difficult as I remember it with Debra Leiser-Moore at La Trobe Uni. I htink of my wonderful Gin and Tonic bicycle. I am still the great perspirer, however. The constant feeling of defeat by the form begins to rear its head. Its not deflating - you just wnat to practice more.
Tom persists with his bijepants in viewpoints

*ask Fozz what a general "toxin" is.


Blogger Sarah Hillman-Stolz said...

and does, constantly.

2:29 PM  

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