Monday, October 16, 2006

The review continues...

wednesday: Akiko is our instructor and although her english is slightly broken she is funny and energetic; contagiously so.
Barney (purse of the lips to surpress the smile when he tells us his name...but I am obviously the immature one!) is our teacher for viewpoints today and we love him to pieces. He makes us conscious of space, negative space and spacial relations. I walk out into the city as if "all the world is a stage!" Flourish and Exuant.
A couple members of teh company trains with us each day. Tom wears leopard print linen pants. Can't help but wonder why.

Thursday: After a gin fused soiree the previous evening with the mad Italian Loriana - fuelle on by bar tender Abbey and her freebie 'whip it out' Wednesday shots, class takes on a different challenge. No 3 mins of stomping (tagahashi). The god I am facing through this training must be on my side. The human cracks in the form emerge as Akiko demonstrates "Basic No. 4". We realise that no one - not even after 16 years of trainging - can perfect these moves, its thesis is to aim to perfect them, without ever reaching your goal, constantly raising the bar is the point.

friday: First day that I feel really tired and unenergetic. My shins hurt, my feet ache, and my legs stings. My focus wains and instead of consciousness I feel self conscious in my work. The Challenge: how do I over come this?
Stephen is our instructor ominous instructor - powerful stern and serious he explains the blather of capitalism taht we are surrounded by. I am no socialist wanting to smash capitalism but the acknowledgement of theatrical practice with politcal radicalism gave me a tingly feeling in me tummy that happens when the world makes sense for a breif moment in time. Barney taught us how to dance by letting us embody the equation shape+time=movement. Luckily he is the first to point out the occational naffness of the vocabulary of this work and the often 60s 'love-in' esque exercises that are practiced. But he moves in such an articulated and baeutiful way that we trust where its heading.


Blogger Sarah Hillman-Stolz said...

I have really been just exploring and hanging out with dudes from the course but I hope to give her a call in the next couple of days if not early next week!
I have not forgotten bella's birthday (damn I totally wanted to call my child bella...never mind...kiddly winks don't look too high on the priority list at this stage however, so maybe its for the best that Alice's pet name is Bella.

3:15 PM  

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