Tuesday, October 31, 2006

One Saturday in Manhatten...

So I went for a walk to...

and it was...


When suddenly on a sunny saturday...

...there were people ice skating! Its cold in fall here but...this is absurd!
After noticing the big 'Trump' signs everwhere I kept on walking through...

...and it was...

...oh so New York.

When suddenly, the sound of a disco bass line resonated through the land and the brightly coloured leaves and pulsed like a pace maker heartbeat amongst the gazzillion people who also thought it a particularly sound idea to enjoy a Saturday afternoon in...


So like any well trained party dancer does I followed the beat like a flashdancer counting herself into 'What A Feeling' ("and 5,6,7,8 and leap and kick and down and flick")

and I found...


...disco roller skating!!!

As always I pulled my camera out reluctantly, not wanting to appear like a tourist, and tried to take pictures without anyone noticing (which is a ridiculous thing to do! Am I destined to live in a perpetual state of denial of what I am?!) If I could pretend to be an AH-TEE-ST with a big fuck off camera I would be ok with that, but some ordinary and manky tourist??? ("Nobaody likes a tourist") pfft! Not 4 ME, thank. you. very. much!

So the pictures do not communicate how cool and apt these people were at their craft and the joy with which they danced/skated. The DJ I must say was kicking!

This woman was amazing. She was about 50 if not 60 years old and still wore a velour jumpsuit. A little disturbing but inspiring none the less! The guy in teh background was a maniac ("maniac, MAAAANIAC" but also just a bit weird and sweaty and dancing at a disco skating rink without skates or a top).

One Saturday in Manhatten TBC...


Blogger Halley said...

seriously, sarah - how can you leave?

9:51 AM  
Blogger Sarah Hillman-Stolz said...

I DON'T KNOW!!!!! =( =( =( =( =(

1:11 PM  
Blogger Sarah Hillman-Stolz said...

Yes you are very right miss thing, re: tourist thing.

Yes yes I will go to the empire state building...just before sunset got it.

You here I'm coming home?

1:12 PM  
Blogger Sarah Hillman-Stolz said...

hear not here

1:13 PM  

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